speech therapists in Shenton Park and Success

Stuttering Speech Therapy

Stuttering is when your child holds onto or repeats sounds, words or phrases. Your child may also hold onto blocks of speech, or sound like they are getting “stuck” on words.

This can make it hard for your child to communicate with others. In some cases, stuttering can impact your child’s confidence and lead to to anxiety and frustration. This is where our stuttering speech therapists can help.

Our Stuttering Speech Pathology Services

We use evidence-based therapies to target your child’s stuttering. These include:

  • The Lidcombe Program: a behaviour treatment program for children under ten years of age. We teach caregivers positive reinforcement techniques to curb stuttering behaviours.
  • The Camperdown Program, a program for adolescents and adults who stutter.

Our stuttering speech therapists teach your child strategies to improve their fluency and talk smoothly so they can communicate with confidence, clarity and ease.

If you’re concerned about your child’s stuttering, contact us to book an assessment today.

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