Speech Pathologist Perth

National Disability Insurance Scheme

Kid Speak is committed to providing speech pathology services that are in line with the NDIS’ aims to support the independence and social participation of your child.

Your rights and responsibilities
We aim to provide an environment where you can:

  • Inform us of the supports you want, and how you want to receive them
  • Access supports that promote and respect you and your child
  • Make decisions and take control of your supports
  • Have your right to freedom of expression, self-determination and decision making
  • Communicate openly with us regarding issues and feedback

Funding Options

NDIA/Agency Managed

Kid Speak is a registered NDIA provider which means that if you have a NDIA or agency managed plan you can receive speech pathology services from us.


This option enables you to manage your own funds and pay Kid Speak for services directly. We bill in line with the NDIS price guide for self-managed participants.

Plan Managed

Some families nominate an independent company to manage their funding.

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Kid Speak are registered for the following groups for NDIS funding:

Early Childhood Supports: We support all children 0-6 years with developmental delay or disability and their families to achieve better long-term outcomes, regardless of diagnosis. All children and families will be treated as individuals to ensure that they receive the right support to meet their goals and aspirations. The type of supports will be different for every child and their family according to their needs.

Therapeutic Supports: Therapeutic supports are provided to assist participants aged from 7 years to apply their functional skills to improve participation and independence in daily, practical activities in areas such as language and communication, personal care, mobility and movement, interpersonal interactions and community living.

Communications & Information Equipment: We provide advice about products to assist with alternate communication or to access written or spoken communication via electronic or other means.

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NDIS Sessions Process:

Prior to your appointment you will need to send us a copy of your NDIS plan.

The first session with Kid Speak will be aimed at collecting assessment data for ongoing therapy. We will also get to know you and your child during this session so your child feels comfortable.

The second session will focus solely on goal setting. Your speech pathologist will work closely with you and your child to develop functional goals. During this time, the service agreement will be formulated outlining how many sessions will be required.

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